Various ideas and schemes have been floated to revive the city, such as when Henry Ford II built the Renaissance Center on the banks of the Detroit River in 1977. 这些年来,有过很多振兴底特律的想法和计划,比如亨利•福特二世1977年决定在底特律河岸边建造复兴中心(RenaissanceCenter)。
Some of this has come to the forefront through the efforts of ED Morrison, economic policy advisor at the Purdue Center for regional development, and others. 这种理念之所以能够被人们所重视,一定程度上得归功于普渡大学区域发展中心(PurdueCenterforRegionalDevelopment)经济政策顾问艾迪•莫里森以及其他人的不懈努力。
Serves on numerous boards and advisory committees, from the broad Institute of MIT and Harvard to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 他拥有相当多董事会和顾问委员会的头衔,其中包括麻省理工学院-哈佛博德研究所(theBroadInstituteofMIT)以及史隆基达宁癌症中心(theMemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter)。
Investors speaking at a dinner sponsored by Mario Gabelli to benefit the Heilbrunn Center for Graham& Dodd investing at Columbia University, where Buffett went to graduate school, said the stock market rally seems to be getting ahead of itself. 在美国知名基金经理马里奥•盖伯里为哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)赫尔布伦投资中心(HeilbrunnCenterforGraham&DoddInvesting)举办的筹款宴会上,投资者们表示,美国股市的这轮上涨行情似乎走过头了。
Both are left of center with the SPD closer to the center and the greens being further to the left. 它们都是中左翼党派,社民党更具中间倾向,绿党的左翼色彩更浓。
SAMY opened the first massage center along the north-south highway, and said the government was planning to open another center this year. 他说,马来西亚政府计划在年内再开设一家这样的按摩中心。
As a result, if you lose the data center where the deployment manager is running, you lose the ability to manage the cell until a backup deployment manager is brought up in the surviving data center. 因此,如果您失去运行部署管理器的数据中心,也就失去了管理单元的能力,直到仍然存在的数据中心启动备份部署管理器为止。
You first may have to add a user or group to the Control Center from the available operating system users or groups. 首先需要将可用操作系统用户或组中的一个用户或组添加到ControlCenter中。
With this disk replication system, snapshots of the state of the primary data center are captured and asynchronously transferred to the disaster data center. 通过磁盘复制系统,将捕获主要数据中心的状态数据的快照并以异步方式传输到灾难数据中心。
So that you can learn how to get the benefit from both types of transforms, this article shows you how to build an IBM Mashup Center plug-in that can perform XSLT transformations. 您可以了解如何从这两种类型的转换中获益,本文展示如何构建一个可以执行XSLT转换的IBMMashupCenter插件。
You will need to capture three types of data in the original data center and move that data to your disaster center 您将需要在原始数据中心捕获三种类型的数据,并将该数据移动到灾难数据中心
Of course, the hardware and other computing resources of the disaster data center do not need to be idle while the primary data center is active. 当然,主要数据中心处于活动状态时,灾难数据中心的硬件和其他计算资源不必处于空闲状态。
If you deliver the solution information center and the project you used to create it, the recipient can extend the information center with more documentation throughout the solution life cycle. 如果交付解决方案信息中心和用于创建它的项目,那么接收者可以在整个解决方案生命周期内通过更多文档对信息中心进行扩展。
In addition, you can reconcile your requirement collections with HP Quality Center test folders to generate linked HP Quality Center test cases automatically based on requirement content. 此外,您还可以使用HPQualityCenter测试文件夹来协调需求集合,根据需求内容来自动生成链接的HPQualityCenter测试案例。
The host names that are included in that file need to be changed from the names used in the original data center to the names used in the disaster data center. 该文件中包含的主机名需要从原始数据中心中使用的主机名更改为灾难数据中心中使用的主机名。
If you have less capacity in your disaster data center than your primary data center, you will still need the disaster data center to have the same configuration as the primary data center. 如果灾难数据中心的容量比主要数据中心少,仍然需要灾难中心具有与主要数据中心相同的配置。
One solution is to have the Communications Center to centralize communication, maintain contacts lists, and categorize your e-mails on the same common message board. 一种解决的方法是利用CommunicationsCenter在同一个公共消息留言板进行集中交流、保存联系人列表和进行电子邮件分类。
In this proof of concept, you need to copy or migrate a complete image of a virtual server from the primary data center to the disaster recovery data center. 在概念验证中,需要把虚拟服务器的一个完整映像从主数据中心复制或迁移到灾难恢复数据中心。
This article described how to customize the WebSphere Commerce Management Center by combining the features of two tools into a single tool. 本文介绍如何通过将两个工具的特性合并到一个工具来定制WebSphereCommerceManagementCenter。
Let's suppose at an operations center you use secure communication to connect monitoring Web services at the center remotely with monitored Web services at multiple data centers. 让我们假定,在操作数据中心,您使用安全通信以远程方式将位于中心的监视Web服务连接到位于多个数据中心的被监视Web服务。
Throughout this article, you will make changes to the Management Center XML files and you will need to restart the Management Center to see these changes. 在本文中,您将修改ManagementCenterXML文件并需要重新启动ManagementCenter来查看这些更改。
A disk subsystem that can capture a snapshot of your data in your primary data center and replicate it to your disaster data center. 磁盘子系统,可以捕获主要数据中心中的数据的快照,并将复制到灾难数据中心。
If you are moving from one vendor's data center to another vendor's data center, however, more is involved than if you are going from one data center to another data center from the same vendor. 但是,与在同一提供商的数据中心之间转移相比,从一个提供商的数据中心转移到另一个提供商的数据中心要复杂一点儿。
In July of2008, IBM started announcing plans to establish a new data center at its research facility the North Carolina Data Center-and to use it to sell cloud computing services to its clients. 在2008年7月,IBM宣布计划在它的研究机构建立一个新的数据中心NorthCarolinaDataCenter,使用它向客户销售云计算服务。
If the European Union had not managed to maintain sanctions after all this, it would have seriously damaged its credibility, said Amanda Paul of the European Policy Center, a Brussels research institute. 如果在发生了这一切之后,欧盟没能设法维持制裁,那将会严重损坏欧盟的信誉,布鲁塞尔研究机构欧洲政策中心(EuropeanPolicyCenter)的阿曼达·保罗(AmandaPaul)说。
According to a 2012 Pew Research Center report, 20% of people aged 18 to 34 put off marriage because of tough economic conditions. 据皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)2012年的一份报告显示,18至34岁人群中,有20%的人因为经济不好推迟结婚。
It was reported earlier this month that NASA had decided to exclude Chinese nationals from the Kepler Science Conference taking place at the Ames research center in California next month. 本月早些时候,有报道称NASA已决定不准中国籍人员参加将于下个月在加州艾姆斯研究中心(AmesResearchCenter)召开的开普勒科学大会(KeplerScienceConference)。
Unclaimed Baggage Center, Alabama: Head into downtown Scottsboro on Hwy279 and follow the signs to the Unclaimed Baggage Center. 阿拉巴马州无人认领的行李中心:从279高速路前往Scottsboro,沿着无人认领的行李中心的标志走。
Tongling, a copper-mining center since the Ming dynasty, is running low on ore. The Yangtze River city wants to turn itself into a manufacturing center, but it lacks a critical ingredient: a steady supply of factory workers. 长江流域的铜矿产业中心铜陵市希望转型为一个制造业中心,但缺乏一个关键要素:稳定的工人供给。
The Bore is the diameter of the cylinder. The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC ( Bottom dead center) to TDC ( top dead center). The Bore is always mentioned first. 这个活塞上下活动,没有响声。内径指的是气缸的直径;行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。表述时,内径总是写在前面。